Adria Village

Adria Village provides support and assistance to enable residents to live in a comfortable and secure environment. The facility includes 42 permanent residential rooms, including a Special Care Unit and two respite care rooms, which cater to short-term needs during emergencies or caregiver breaks. Each room is equipped with an ensuite and climate control for comfort, and the village offers communal spaces like lounge rooms, a dining area, and an activity room to encourage social interaction and community activities.

Residents benefit from an array of services that address both their physical and social needs. Adria Village schedules regular social activities, events, and outings tailored to residents’ preferences. Additionally, there’s an onsite chapel that holds both Catholic and non-denominational services regularly, catering to the spiritual well-being of the community. All meals at Adria Village are freshly prepared onsite using quality ingredients, and comprehensive housekeeping and laundry services are routinely provided to ensure a well-maintained living environment.

Learn more about our services

Comprehensive Amenities for an Enriched Lifestyle

At Adria Village, our commitment to holistic well-being is reflected in our extensive array of on-site facilities and services.


A large array of books for keen readers.


Including access to freshly cooked meals cooked on-site.


We provide full laundry services for all residents.

Daily Activities

Providing daily activities for entertainment for all residents.

Onsite Chapel

With regular mass and a priest.


Our hairdressing services help with regular convenient grooming.


Professional support when it’s needed from home and garden maintenance teams.

Bus Services

Suitable for regular, local trips and with wheelchair facilities.

Learn more about our services

In-house activities

In-house activities

Participating in a variety of activities can invigorate your life, offering both new skills and the joy of rediscovering past hobbies. These engagements not only keep your mind sharp and your body active but also foster connections, bringing you closer to friends old and new in a shared, vibrant community atmosphere. Plus, these experiences enrich your daily routine, ensuring each day offers something exciting to look forward to.


See images of our Residential Care facilities.

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Are you eligible for aged care?

In order to determine if your are eligible to receive aged care services and what type of care services you need, you will need to be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).

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